It is important to note that these accounts are actual written testimony that we have on file. There is no way for it to have been misconstrued since we have written it exactly as it appeared in the letters we received. It is also important to note that we have made the decision not to include full names or other pertinent information such as addresses and phone numbers, though we do have that information. We feel we are acting in the best interest of those who wrote us with their stories.

Last of all, we would like to point out that we have not obtained permission to put this information on the web. If you happen to be one of the persons below and object to your story being on the web - please contact us. We were originally going to record our findings in a book when we started out on this mission in early 1997. However, we've decided that with the popularity of the web, we'd probably reach more people by using this medium instead. A special thank you to all of you who have taken the time to write us and help out with this project; it is greatly appreciated.

of Missouri

      I grew up in the Southeast Kansas town of Pittsburg, and I visited the Spook Light area many times in 1956 and 1957. Normally the "gang" consisted of myself (R. McCool), E. Simons, J. Winchester, J. Small, L. McCool, and on various occasions, P. Whitmore, J. Tanner, J. Richardson, D. Wilmoth, L. Secrest and C. Boswell. We were all 17 years of age at the time, and we all saw it.
      Two to four couples would climb into my old 1941 Chevy and we'd arrive in the area between 11 p.m. and midnight. There were always a number of other cars already parked on the road. We would park the car heading west along the old dirt road, turn off all the lights and wait. It never failed. In a short period of time, a bright light would appear at some distance to the west of us. At times it looked like it was in the road, or very close to it. At other times, it would seem to be 10 to 15 feet back in the timber. It always appeared on the right hand side of the centerline on the road, and it was visible for as long as we watched it.
      Sometimes we would drive towards the light (to the west) and it would disappear at a certain point. When we approached it, it always seemed the same distance away. After passing a certain point, it would disappear and could not be seen by looking back towards it (to the east). We would turn the car around, drive east and sure enough - it would appear again when we looked back to the west. A few times in 1957, I watched it through binoculars. I was as few as 3 seperate lights and as many as 9. The brightness from it would light up the timber, ground and ditch. the lights appeared to be individual and separated by 2 or 3 feet. To the naked eye, it looked like a street light and about the same height (15'), and seemed to float slightly. Through binoculars, the individual lights floated and changed position, dropping to within a few feet of the ground.

of Missouri

      I was born June 10, 1918 in Liberal Kansas. My family had forty acres half way between Tipton Ford and Saginaw. There were eight of us kids, we lived off the highway back in the timber. There was a rock schoolhouse that had two rooms for eight grades and two years of high school. T. G. Greer was our principal. I was approximately twelve or fourteen years old when we heard about the "light". We all discussed it and finally decided to go see it.
      We all piled in old cars and trucks to go see the "light". We went out to this country road and waited. Finally we saw it coming towards us. It looked as though it was someone walking with a lantern. So we all watched and waited. It didn't come close to where we were. We were all half way frightened and amazed until we had to leave. At a later date, we came back several times and would plot at what we were going to do next time. This time the boys were going to sneak through the fields to try to get behind the light, which we did. Everyone was hanging onto each other (scared). The closer we got to it the higher up in the sky it went. (We) never could get close to it. It was always off in a distance.
      It was an amazing deal to see and discuss and there was always a lot of doubting thomas' around who acted like it was a fairy tale.

of Missouri

      It was October 1972, a clear dark night about 9 p.m., no moon out. We were 16 years old. I, G. Wilkins and my friend J. Wallace were on a crisp cool fall evening church hay ride to the Spooklight. We arrived at the lane there and almost immediately saw it in the distance, as I have done many times before. We had told each other we were going to find out what it is.
      As soon as we saw it, we took off sprinting toward it, as fast as we could run. We ran about a quarter mile when we were right next to it. We both stopped and looked at it. I put my hand into the ball of light. I didn't feel anything, just the color of my hand changed to that of the light. I then put my foot out into it, same effect. J. put his foot in it and it vanished.
      After about 30 seconds the light just vanished. We turned around to head back and saw it in between us and the wagon we had come from. We sprinted again but it was gone again. The only difference in our recollection is that I was the light as being a very light blue color and J. saw it as aqua

of Kansas

      I am T. Click, of Galena, Kansas. I graduated from high school in 1962. During my high school years, several of us, buddies and girlfriends, would go to the Spooklight. It was a "parking place" for teenagers and folks. I have actually seen the "light" on several occasions. I am now retired from the navy, in 1985. It was about '86 or '87 was my last visit there, without any luck of seeing it as we had a group of Little League baseball players who were noisy. It has always been said around that you had to be very quiet and still in order for it to be seen or to come close to where you might be located.
      That is all the information I can supply. I have heard a few stories about it which would be a task now to try to put on paper. I hope this is of some help.

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